ilf bylaws.


Section A: Name – The name of this club shall be Iron Lion Firm (ILF). An Orlando City Soccer

Club Supporter Group or SG.

Section B: Purpose – The purpose of this club shall be:

1. Demonstrate passionate and boisterous support for Orlando City S.C.

2. Collaborate with Orlando City S.C. in our efforts to give back to our team and community.


Section A: Eligibility - Membership shall be open to the general public currently aged 18 &

older*, and upon payment of the dues as outlined in Section B. Those ineligible for membership

are previously banned members, members of a different American supporter’s club, anyone

working for Orlando City S.C.

*Any person interested in joining Iron Lion Firm under the age of 18 may do so as a

“probationary member.” Probationary Members are eligible to join free of charge. The ILF

Bylaws would apply.

Section B: Dues – Dues shall be set forth by Officers at the beginning of the preseason.

Section C: Ejection – If kicked out of ILF you will not receive your money back.

Section D: Honorary Membership – Honorary membership shall be determined by officers and

may be awarded to anyone who is deemed worthy of being an ILF member for life.

Section E: Youth Crew - The ILF Youth Crew will represent current paid due members aged 18

to 24. The purpose of Youth Crew is to guide, coach, and teach younger ILF members to

eventually become ILF Leadership. Youth Crew will be overseen by the President and have an

appointed leader by the President. The Youth Crew leader will be responsible for activities

including, but not limited to, creating art, merch, banners, and flags.


Section A: Officers – The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Member Relations,

Treasurer, Art, Game Day Ops, Music. Social Media Leader will be a President appointed role

that will work alongside both the President and Vice President. .

Section B: Eligibility – Officers must be 21 or older and have been a member of ILF for two


Section C: Election – The officers shall be elected by ballot at the meeting celebrating “ILF Day”

(January 21st).

Section D: Term – The officers shall serve for two years and their term of office shall begin at the

commencement of Orlando City S.C’s first preseason match. Consecutive terms are permitted.

Section E: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall

assume the office for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in any other office will be filled by a

member of that office’s committee by the President on an interim basis until the next ILF Day

Election. Interim appointed leaders may run for their current position, or any other position,

during the next Election cycle.

Section F: Officer Committees – Officers can elect to have their own committees of up to 5 for

assistance to be chosen at their discretion. To be in a committee, members must be at least 18

years of age at the start of the MLS season.


Section A: President – it shall be the duty of the President to:

· Be responsible for everything related to ILF

· Oversee elected and appointed positions

· Provide ILF Constitution and By-Laws before people become members

· Responsible for attending “Umbrella Name” meetings

· Works in conjunction with Vice President

· Serve as member of Program Committee

· Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club

Section B: Vice-President – It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

· Assist President as needed

· Preside in the absence of the President

· Serve as chairperson of the Program Committee

· Responsible for maintaining relationships with entities outside of ILF

· Representative of ILF to non-member organizations

Section C: Member Relations– It shall be the duty of the Member Relations to:

· Maintain a current roster of membership

· Responsible for settling any grievances in our section

· Serve as liaison between supporter club members and non-members

· On match day, will be contact point for FO and Capos

· Coordinate team of 5 to help with duties

Section D: Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

· Manage the ILF account

· Must be able to show transparency of account

· Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed

· Work in conjunction with Merch and Game Day Ops

Section E: Game Day Ops – It shall be the duty of the Game Day Ops to:

· Responsible for organizing capos and match day banners

· Work with Art Officer to execute TIFO designs

· Coordinate ILF events and traveling itinerary

· Coordinate committee to help with duties

Section F: Art – It shall be the duty of Art to:

· Create TIFO designs that are ready for Gameday Ops execution

· Create merch items/shirts/etc

· Maintain the ILF Website and Webstore

· Set up art events (i.e. two pole/banner parties)

· Main representative to the Front Office regarding Player Tunnel design

Section G: Music

· Represent ILF on the wall drumline

· Coordinate with capos on matchdays


Section A: Meetings – During the season, meetings will be held once a month in the form of

watch parties. During the offseason meetings will be held as needed.

Section B: Special Meeting – Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval

of the other officers.

Section C: Front Office Meeting - The President is required to attend all meetings, in person or

virtual, with the Front Office. If the President is unable to attend, they must tell the rest of

leadership in advance and coordinate another Officer to be present.


Section A: Front Office Outreach – In a display of good faith, the President and Vice Present will

be assisted by three other members to help during an event hosted by the Front Office of

Orlando City S.C.

Section B: Community Outreach – The program committee will coordinate an event for ILF

members to be involved in for community outreach.


Section A: Member Agreements – Upon membership payment, members will adhere to the


· Refrain from using any form of racist or sexist comments/language

· Settle grievances with the President first and do not involve Orlando City S.C.

· When speaking to the media, only speak on your behalf and not on behalf of ILF

· Do not use any forms of costumes (masks and hats are not encompassed as part of


· No outside pyro (unless specified)

· Show respect to one another

· Be welcoming to any new or potential member

· Members bringing guests to matches and Iron Lion Firm events shall be responsible for the

conduct of their guests. As a representative of the Iron Lion Firm such conduct shown

detrimental to the Iron Lion Firm shall be subject to repercussions commensurate.

· All social media posts made by members in reference to, or involving the Iron Lion Firm

Supporter group or SG’s as subject or as an entity, shall be subject to the member agreement

and regulated by the President and or Social Media leader. To the inclusion of post removal or

membership revocation, dependent on subject matter and severity.

Section B: Officer Agreements – Officers will adhere to Article VII: Section A as well as:

· Refrain from excessive use of alcohol or any mind altering substance

· Responsible for speaking on behalf of ILF

· Notify members of inquiries regarding ILF in a timely manner


Aways Day to be defined as “official supporter group travel to an opponent's stadium for an

Orlando City Soccer Club match.” These matches will have official Orlando Supporter Group

tickets at said opponent’s stadium. Outside of official “Away Days,” ILF Members are able to

travel to any soccer match, but will not represent Iron Lion Firm.

All rules and regulations outlined in “ARTICLE VII: MEMBER AND OFFICER AGREEMENT” will

apply to all current ILF Members who travel, and the guests of those ILF Members in


All away day matches must be attended by at least one Officer. If an Officer is unable to attend,

a Point of Contact (POC) must be provided to both the Orlando City Front Office and the front

office of the team we are traveling to by the ILF President. The first choice POC will be a current

member of an Officer Committee. If no committee member is present, the most senior ILF

member will be the POC. The Away Day POC must also adhere to “Section B: Officer

Agreements” under ARTICLE VII.


Section A: Members and Officers – If any Agreement in Article VII: Section A or B is broken the

following disciplinary actions will be enforced: ZERO TOLERANCE for racist or sexist comments/language.

Members will be kicked out of ILF for life and put on the global ban list.

1. First time offense, verbal warning

2. Second time offense, ejected from event/match and serve a one- four match ban, depending

on the severity of the offense

3. Third time offense, the President will notify FO to relocate your seat out of the Supporter’s

Section, and you will be put on the ILF ban list indefinitely. No refunds


This constitution shall remain the same; however, as time moves on and ILF grows, there may

be a need for additional Agreements. This is the process to add to the ILF Agreements.

Section A: Proposal –.Proposal must be a minimum of a page long and must address reason(s)

and process to make a new Agreement. Proposed Agreement must be submitted to the President.

Section B: Officers Vote – Officers will vote whether or not the Proposed Agreement is relevant

or needed. The President must communicate with person(s) who submitted the Proposed

Agreement in a timely manner.

Section C: Member Vote – If the majority of the Officers vote in favor, the Proposed Agreement

will then be put to vote by all attending members. Proposed Agreement must be in favor by a

2/3 ratio in order to add to the Agreement list.